Thursday, February 21, 2013

How To Convert Hand Drawn Art Into Graphics

 The first thing you want to do it draw out the basic design. I like to do basic shapes first to give me a good sense of placement without the clutter of details. Once the placement is down I then detail the image.

New as you can see here with the basic shapes you can now detail your obejcts much easier. This image depicts a person moving from a hotel to a jet plane.

As you can see here deatils of shading have been added along with the proper labeling.
This was colored in Photoshop the commands I used are:

Left side Tool Bar:

Marque Tool

Text Tool (After Clicking the "T" you can change its color at the top tool bar that appears)

Red Color Swatch (change you swatches to any color once you select them by double clicking)

Rectangle /Circle Tool

Paint Brush

Eraser Tool

You can use these tools as much or as less to achieve the desired result.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pimp C Sculpture

This Pimp C sculpture I did will be showing from now and during all SXSW 2013. Will be at Collective Status 6th Street Austin, TX.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3D Fruit Bowl

Nice 3d modeleed still life I didi in 3d art class. Sharpening the blades i guess you could say.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Another one of my favorite pieces I did a while back, its an impossible illusion, trompe l'oel combo.
It was very hard to do but was also as much fun!!  Want to see more of my 3d illusions?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Amazing 3D Illusion Art of Solomon Perry!

Anytime a person has passed by this piece they freaked out because they are certain someone is sitting there. I decided not to make it look too real, for that reason and also to keep it kid themed.
Heres one of my favorite illusion creations from a while back..enjoy.  See more at 3D ILLUSION ART

Monday, December 31, 2012

Refined Inflatable Breasts

 * Any inquiries on custom props like these contact:

Had to create a second set of breasts because the first one had flaws. This is usually the hardest part because any great invention requires a developmental process...even after  great schematics and everything!!!
I call them hindsight mistakes.

Monday, December 24, 2012

New Garbage Pail Kids?

This is the awesome-ist Grimnasty creation yet and thanks to the fans who have made it possible for this to be seen everywhere! You can buy this on a t-shirt or get a free poster or sticker from any Austin record store. Or you can go to my merch store found here: A great gift for all the old school hip hop heads who love Garbage Pail Kids!